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New media and society

November 27, 2012

Well well well what can I say about what have been some of the effects of the new media on society? hmmmm how bout everything! Society has transformed itself to becoming reliant on new media. When we seek news we look for online news articles. When we seek to talk to a distant friend we go on facebook. When we seek for music we go on pandora.When we seek videos we go on youtube. When we seek for information we go on google. When we seek for employment we seek for an online application. When we seek for new business we create an online website. We are so fixated on the internet that we are losing touch of human to human communication. It’s apparent that society need more of this form of communication and we won’t seem so robotic. Virtually everything will be online. Classrooms, newspapers, magazines, mail,customers service representatives will be non existent a century from now. As technology continues to develop we will become immune with it. Thats the realization we need to face living in THIS society. Around the world is a different matter. There traditional values limits them from experiencing this phenomena we have going on in our society. But what we have going on isn’t a terrible it’s just a change. A change of how we are going to develop as a society. With every change comes its positives and it’s negatives. But I do enjoy of how new media is affecting society at this current moment. It’s just makes life very convenient. We don’t have to leave our homes to pay bills, or go to school, or go to work,or watch a movie etc. Our computers run our lives and we have become so dependent on it. I’m depending on the internet to pass this class. It’s honestly astonishing of how essential a computer can be. There’s definitely this fear people have against new media so they refuse to part take in it. But honestly I just feel like there missing out. Missing out on a life with less stress and more leisure. Society would not be the way it is today without new media. 

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