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New media and society

Well well well what can I say about what have been some of the effects of the new media on society? hmmmm how bout everything! Society has transformed itself to becoming reliant on new media. When we seek news we look for online news articles. When we seek to talk to a distant friend we go on facebook. When we seek for music we go on pandora.When we seek videos we go on youtube. When we seek for information we go on google. When we seek for employment we seek for an online application. When we seek for new business we create an online website. We are so fixated on the internet that we are losing touch of human to human communication. It’s apparent that society need more of this form of communication and we won’t seem so robotic. Virtually everything will be online. Classrooms, newspapers, magazines, mail,customers service representatives will be non existent a century from now. As technology continues to develop we will become immune with it. Thats the realization we need to face living in THIS society. Around the world is a different matter. There traditional values limits them from experiencing this phenomena we have going on in our society. But what we have going on isn’t a terrible it’s just a change. A change of how we are going to develop as a society. With every change comes its positives and it’s negatives. But I do enjoy of how new media is affecting society at this current moment. It’s just makes life very convenient. We don’t have to leave our homes to pay bills, or go to school, or go to work,or watch a movie etc. Our computers run our lives and we have become so dependent on it. I’m depending on the internet to pass this class. It’s honestly astonishing of how essential a computer can be. There’s definitely this fear people have against new media so they refuse to part take in it. But honestly I just feel like there missing out. Missing out on a life with less stress and more leisure. Society would not be the way it is today without new media. 

Review on Coding a Revolution article

Its so inspiring to hear how open source coders in the middle east is mostly made up of women. They are so limited to careers choices and one that will continue to strive in the future they are available to participate in. I think this so important for the female community in this region to have a careers that is promising. That must mean so much to these young girls who hope for a better future. The internet has provided a great deal of employment and it’s definitely beneficial for the economy. It’s not only in the middle east but all over the world people are gaining new businesses through the internet. I love hearing stories about empowering women’s rights in the middle east. I read a book this semester about a little girl in the middle east and reading this article I secretly hoped that she was reading it too. Maybe this could be her calling. 

P2P File Sharing

File sharing is the process of allowing access to online files such as movies, music, books, documents, programs etc. P2P file sharing is when computer share these online files through various networks. P2P file sharing is mostly associated with illegal downloads. Online piracy has increased these past couple of years. Since illegal multimedia is so easily accessible to users online they somewhat forget that their could be serious consequences. I have yet to be introduced to someone I know personally that has received fines or some form of punishment for their acts. I do recall a story on CNN where a man was accused of illegal downloads and was required to pay $200,000. I could only imagine how stressful this news must be to him. The article should online scofflaws be denied web access addresses this issue. There a very comical statement that says “If you put 200 VCRs in your garage and start making and selling copies of films, you will get a visit from the police,” he said. “If you do it from a Web site, everybody says, ‘Hey, freedom of information.” We really don’t tend to look at online piracy this way. It’s something that we shouldn’t participate in because one day it could be you on CNN with over $200,000 in fines. 

Privacy + Confidentiality

New media is constantly trying to protect their copyright issues by denying consumers access to their content. For instance in the article rights clash on youtube, warner music and youtube had a disagreement on a new licensing deal which caused warner to remove all of their music videos from youtube. Its unfortunate that it had to result to this matter. Millions of people were disappointed that they couldn’t watch their favorite music videos and many were not able to hear music produced on their own personal youtube videos. There have been multitudes of incidents just like this not just on the internet but other medias as well. We see it all the time on television where channels are no longer part of programming due to the same reasons warner music decided to remove their music videos. Its very frustrating on the consumer aspect. We constantly have to deal with issues like this in the media. There should be a better way to negotiate business deals where the public wont be affected. Until then I believe we are going to continue to see these matters in the future.                      

Creativity and New Media

who knew second life could be so much fun! I was a bit skeptical but you cant knock it if you never tried it. So I signed up for it and got hooked. I walked, I flew and I met some pretty cool people. I like that you can pick your destinations. I just wish I knew how to dance. I tried finding it in the help part and it didn’t say. I really want to know how people did tricks. There was one guy playing with fire which was pretty cool. This was definitely worth trying.  ImageImageImage


One method in which new media fosters creativity is called mashups. In the article “the new math of mashups,” it discusses how artist from on genre combines their music from another genre and create new masterpieces. Its a brilliant way of listening to your favorite artists in one track. Another way new media fosters creativity is the ability to upload a video that showcases a very intriguing talent and it goes viral on the internet. This random act hat was caught on camera has now become a world-wide sensation. Insagram is the new app in which you upload pictures and share with others. This allows you to connect with others through any picture you’ve captured rather than connecting with people through words. Creativity is what makes new media so fascinating. 

Modeling reality with virtual worlds

I was aware of virtual worlds but never fully comprehended its significance till now. I use to believe that virtual worlds were for geeks or freaks which is a terrible thing to say. But now my perception is completely different. Virtual worlds is a wonderful way of communicating with multitudes of people in a very creative way. Its another form of expressing yourself. You can do whatever you want and be whatever you want. Those who lack social skills in real life can develop them in a virtual world.Those with disabilities and are unable to perform activities in real life can do so in virtual worlds. That connection they receive in a virtual world is very empowering. I can only imagine how much joy and the great impact it has had on their lives. In the article “naughty auties,” Sivill mentions “it’s not just to help people with autism, it’s to help people whose lives have been affected by autism, be they family or friends or employees of people who have autism.” Its also a great way of training new employees and doing a company layout to show where everything is just like in the article “IBMS Virtual worlds.” The only concern I have for these virtual world is how highly addicting it can be. People might start depending on these virtual worlds and feel as if this is the only comfortable method of communication. i can imagine a user spending hours and hours on this program and have their eyes glues to their monitors. That type of activity is unhealthy and exercise is extremely important. The future for virtual worlds is more enhanced and high definition. I can see real life images portrayed on these programs. They are only going to be better and resemble reality perfectly.

Social Networking Sites

The very first social networking site I was introduced to was Myspace. I was about 16 and was fascinated. I decorated my profile with lavish backgrounds and fancy graphics. I uploaded tons of pictures. And my most admirable moment was the reunion of my cousins via myspace. I have about 21 first cousins on my dad side. We were really close growing up and once my grandma passed away, the family fell apart. I hadn’t seen them in years. When they all started contacting me on myspace it was outstanding. We were all grown up and it was amazing. But to get back to discussing this particular network, It definitely was revolutionary. It was the first of many to come. But it was more social than personal. It was very juvenile. Random people would “show love” on your wall. If someone was on your “top friends” but you weren’t on theirs it was a huge problem. Myspace was a lot of fun.

Facebook changed the world. At first I didn’t really like it. I would go on it and than log back into Myspace. But overtime Myspace faded away and Facebook dominated. It’s much more personal than social. It wasn’t about decorating your profile and seeing how many people would show love on your wall. This site is on a more serious level and defining who you are without any special graphics. The same people who you were friends with on Myspace are now your friends on Facebook. It allows you to express yourself with words, pictures, music, etc. Now I don’t post update often but I am always snooping through people’s profiles. I am always reading my news feed. Any source of news that is going on around my area, I find on facebook. It is my greatest source of news since people continue to post a status concerning the same thing. Myspace was the reunion of all my cousins. Now Facebook is a reunion of not only my cousins but my aunts and uncles too. My dad has a Facebook. Not to crazy about that. But I love the fact that I am connected to my family, friends, co-workers, colleagues, people who I went to high School with etc. Facebook is a very significant social network and has made a huge impact on the world. 

Instagram is still fairly new to me. I’ve had it for about a couple of months now maybe six months. I enjoy reading the e-cards. They are hilarious. So bold but very true. To me this is more for pleasure. Nothing significant about this site. Just very interesting to look at all these cool pictures. The whole concept behind this site is very intriguing. To tell your life through pictures rather through updates is very artistic. I’m sure artists are going bananas over this site. I really should get more into it. 

Twitter is my least favorite social networking site. To post a a tweet about everything your doing seems really annoying and time consuming. The only thing that really appeals to me is constantly knowing what your favorite celebrities are doing. But i read an interesting article about twitter and discovered all of the features it can produce. I came to the realization that twitter can be very resourceful. It baffles me why it leans toward an older demographic than a younger. But as of right now twitter is meant for the purpose of this class but maybe one day I will find more means for it. 


social networks

Social networks is a website that allows its users to communicate with each other and can post comments, upload photographs, edit their profile etc. It’s a great means of communication. They can be used in a variety of different ways. For instance a college can create a page on a website like facebook and distribute important information to reach their students such as exam dates, when the college is going to be closed, special performances etc. Another social networking site is Linkedin. This website allows its users to upload their resumes and have multitudes of recruiters contact them for positions in their companies. 

Society has benefited in many ways with social networks. We now have very talented individuals rising to stardom through some of these social networking sites. There fame comes from a 2 minute video. To reach a high level of popularity was not easily achieved decades ago. It took endless amounts of auditions, traveling to agency’s and radio/television stations. Now that type of effort and dedication is no longer essential. Advertising is of no cost on these social networking sites. So million of consumers can now obtain information regarding their products. In the article,”how obama tapped into social network’s power,” it states, “by bolting together social networking applications under the banner of a movement, they created an unforeseen force to raise money, organzie locally, fight smear campaigns and get out the vote that helped them topple the clinton machine and then john McCain.” This was a way for society to engage in his political activities. 

The “dark side,” is what I refer to online bullying, invasion of privacy, employers wont hire you based on your profile etc. These are the few dreadful factors that come with social networks. It’s a shame that we have to deal with these issues that are associated with social networking site but they are present in todays society. We hear about individuals who have committed suicide due to the online bullying. In the article “Anticosial networking?” it claims how more and more children and teenagers are texting and using social networks to communicate on a daily basis rather than meeting face to face or calling each other.”Technology may be changing the very nature of kids friendship.” This is definitely something not to be taken lightly and should be more looked into.

The future will be consumed of social networks. Internet is the future. I believe everything will be online. School, jobs, shopping etc. Technology will advance in ways we never knew were possible. We have a few social networks that are very popular but in the end there will be multitudes of networks that wont be able to outshine one another. Social networks will dominate outside the western world and will hopefully bring more good than bad. 


Review: In india, using facebook to catch scofflaw drivers.

I am so glad I don’t live in india because I would be one of those bad drivers that did something they weren’t suppose to be doing and there’s a picture on facebook demonstrating my uncourteous act. I mean its bad enough we have these red traffic camera lights. I couldn’t fathom plain old civilians taking pictures of me too. In india this type of page seems necessary due to their record of high traffic fatalities but like it says in the article taking a picture while your driving “in itself is a violation.” This article serves as another means of how social networks can be used.